Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday - a Day of Rest

Still counting my blessings today.  We had a nice easy lazy day.  We started with breakfast at the diner down the road.  Followed it up with church - which was all about relationships.  Then spent the remainder of the day puttering around the house watching Netflix and just being a family.  Wrapped the day up with chili simmering on the stove and coloring my hair.

(nope the picture has nothing to do with today - but this smile makes me happy)

4.  finding a church family where we belong
5.  Miss Amanda loving on David like he's her own at breakfast
6. Lazy Sundays on the couch
7.  Chili simmering all day long

Saturday, November 1, 2014

November - Counting My Blessings

I've decided to spend this month being intentional about counting my blessings everyday.  (Yes I know I need to be counting my blessings daily through out the year, but maybe if I am intentional this month it will be easier to stick with it and make it a habit the rest of the year.

So November 1....

1. Wonderful friends with kids the same age to do holidays together with.

2.  Making memories daily with WeeMan

3.  A good deal on warm snow pants for WeeMan so he stayed warm and dry while trick or treating.

Yep that is not rain falling on my Ninja Turtles little green head - that was some serious snow.  If the ground had been a little closer we'd have ended with an inch or two on the ground.  Brrrrr!!  

Weeman and his friends were quite the little troopers.  They lasted about an hour out in the cold, snow, and wind.  What can I say I guess they take their candy collecting seriously!