Sunday, January 11, 2015

Gloomy Sunday

It's a yucky Sunday here in northeastern Indiana.  We were supposed to be getting 2-4 more inches of snow, but Mother Nature decided to send us sleet instead.  Honestly I'd rather have snow.  Ice is scarier.  So what do you do with a gloomy disgusting Sunday?  You hit the kitchen with a helper chef.  After the 300th "I'm bored" from D - I decided to put him to work.

We're trying out two new recipes today.  Recipe number one is courtesy of The Country Cook blog and can be found here - Peanut Butter Rice Krispie treats.  We followed her recipe exactly until the very end when we got adventurous and threw in a couple of handfuls of chocolate chips because what goes better with peanut butter than chocolate? (Well besides jelly that is...)

Of course I had to take some pictures of the cuteness that helped me.

Licking the peanut butter spoon - don't worry we were done with that one. 

Getting messy smushing the treats into the dish

And finally cleaning up his hands when he was done

After finishing up the rice krispie treats I sent my helper in to watch the Colts football game with his daddy while I tried out a new bread recipe.   Amish White Bread found at Scratch this with Cindy's blog.  I've never tried this bread recipe before so we'll see how it goes.  It seemed a little dry when I was mixing it.  Hopefully it's good. Either way there's just something peaceful about making homemade bread.  
Hope you're all safe and warm on this gloomy day!

Friday, January 9, 2015

A new year ... a new plan

Well here we go again - I do miss blogging and I do need to get better at being organized when it comes to meals so here's my new plan.  I'm going to start posting the week's menu plan on here.  Boring reading I know, but I figure I can link all the recipes I need here and that will help me be able to find them easier.  My pinterest boards are getting out of hand.  I can't find anything because I have so much pinned.

Plus today's a good day to go back to blogging.  We've had two snow days in a row.  Well technically we were home yesterday because it was so cold.  Today was due to blowing and drifting snow.  I have to confess while I'm ready to get back to a schedule, I did enjoy sleeping in and puttering around our house.  I spent time getting laundry done and cleaning the house.  Then I made time to move some things around in the playroom and the living room.  It's nice to start the weekend with the chores done.

So menu plan for next week....

Sunday - Country Fried Pork Steak, collard greens, mashed potatoes

Monday - Salmon Patties, mac and cheese, green beans (This is one of our family favorites)

Tuesday - Grilled cheese and soup (Hubby plays cards on Tuesday nights)

Wednesday - ,Crockpot Sloppy Joes tater tots (David has WOW)

Thursday - Diner night - either leftovers or I scramble up some eggs and call it good

Friday - Pizza

Saturday -  Crockpot Mississippi Pot Roast, potatoes, carrots

So there's my plan for the week and bonus I don't have to go to the grocery store.  I may also get adventurous and make some of this bread this weekend too.

Amish White Bread

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night.  Chicken and Noodles and games with friends.  Should be a good time.
 Now back to my snow day - I've got zoos to build and a book calling my name!