Sunday, June 7, 2015

Summer Break

Summer vacation is finally here.  It was a fantastic school year with a terrific team and a super class, but I'm looking forward to relaxing and spending some downtime with David.

This school year definitely flew by when I think about the fact my little man is now a first grader.  We were so blessed with his kindergarten teachers this year.  I couldn't have asked for a better one.  Mrs. Pearson took a little boy who was scared of big school and thought he would never learn to read and turned him into quite a little reader.  I love listening to him read to me and am looking forward to our weekly library trips.  He's also quite the little mathematician.  He has adding and subtracting down and even has a rudimentary grasp of multiplication.  He's definitely a smart little mind.

One of the things I am looking most forward to this year is not moving classrooms or changing grade levels.  It is a nice feeling to know that I don't have to rush in to school to pack up my room and then have to unpack it in August.  It's also a relief to know that when I am working on plans for next year it's the grade I already know and it will take much less work.

So our summer plans include bowling (, skating (, summer reading program at the library, swimming, a few trips to the zoo (we have a family membership) and just playing around home.  I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to a low key summer!

1 comment:

  1. Hope your having that quiet low-key summer you wanted! Love those flowers!
